
The world’s population has abruptly spiraled into a time of great unpredictability and uncertainty. As we continue to combat and make sense of the growing coronavirus pandemic, the emergence of feelings such as anxiousness, sadness and tension are only natural during these challenging times.

Do we panic? Or do we not? When the shelves in the grocery stores that were once stocked up with food, sanitizers, daily necessities are now empty.

Do we panic? Or do we not? When the constant flurry of news about COVID-19 on various news channels, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are overwhelming us with information.

During this period of isolation, it can be frightening to be alone with our thoughts and manage our anxiety in the face of this global crisis. Many of us are losing sleep from this novel outbreak while others feel captive as self-quarantine and social distancing measures are enforced worldwide.

Anxiety can manifest physically as well as through emotional reactions. It is essential that in order to keep the anxiety at bay, we work on both these levels. Here’s what we all can do.

1) Refrain from “what-if” scenarios

The most important thing to recognize is that this is an unfamiliar situation for everyone, and it is okay not to know how to deal with it and feel anxious. As things are vague, remember to hold onto facts that we do have at our disposal and stick to what is in our control.

2) Manage your online presence efficiently

Use social media constructively to stay connected with friends and family. By speaking to others, you take control of your own emotions and others may help normalize and validate your emotions as well as share their feelings.

3) Verify your content consumption

Consume and share news responsibly from verified sources, seek information and updates at specific times during the day, take breaks from screen time and engage in relaxation exercises, break the cycle of binge-watching shows and spend time acquiring a new skill set or undertake a new course.

4) Breathe, Breathe and Breathe!

The importance and effectiveness of breathing in these tough times is magnified. Finding a quiet place to take a 5-minute breath break can help balance out anxiety, and, in turn, can help connect us to our higher source energy.

5) Maintain a routine and strengthen self-care.

Having a routine can help you maintain a sense of normalcy. Get adequate sleep, exercise regularly, eat healthy and spend time in nature.

6) Seek Mental help Online

You may feel overwhelmed during these times and seeking a few therapy sessions online can help you keep your anxiety under control and reduce irrational worries.

It is prudent to remind yourself that any anxiety that you are experiencing is normal and you are not in this alone. If your anxiety is still escalating out of control, now is the time to invest in your mental health and wellbeing. Therapy can help you understand the core concern and help you devise ways to settle your anxiety. All our therapists have experience working with Anxiety. For more information on how a therapist can provide telehealth services during these crucial times, contact Vaughan Counselling and Psychotherapy at 647-267-9853.